Children & Youth

Summer Soccer Academy

Summer Soccer Academy

The Bobadilla Summer Soccer Academy builds the soccer skills of New Brunswick's children on the field and their life skills for off the field.


The Bobadilla Summer Soccer Academy is named after its creator – New Brunswick Police Captain Mike Bobadilla, a long-time city figure dedicated to empowering New Brunswick's youth. Captain Bobadilla created the camp 10 years ago as a volunteer. There was a need for children to be involved in positive, healthy activities because the city had more than 13 active gangs and the lowest graduation rate in the county at 68.5%. Using soccer as a vehicle to engage children and youth throughout the summer months, NBT partnered with Captain Bobadilla. The program also includes workshops and activities focused on building character, resiliency and life skills. Campers also perform community service projects throughout the camp, so they can give back to their own community and make it a better place for everyone. A new addition is a Summer Reading program to prevent Summer Learning Loss and keep kids on track to go back to school in the fall.

This FREE, five-week camp serves approximately 150 children, ages 8-18, and provides a free healthy breakfast and lunch, as well as field trips and lots of other fun activities. High School students are hired as junior counselors. The counselors receive peer mentoring and serve as role models for camp participants. Additionally, many experience their first employment, receiving a stipend and providing temporary economic support for families in low to moderate income communities.

To support the Summer Soccer Academy, please download our sponsorship form and mail it to us or make a direct donation online.


For 2016 – 2018


children & youth were enrolled


community service hours were served by campers


community service hours were served by campers


daily attendance rate; compared to 65% nationally for similar camps


of the campers were female; more than double the national average for co-ed soccer programs


high school students were provided a paid position as junior counselors


of attendees never played soccer before


of all campers said they want to continue to play soccer

For September 2017 – June 2018


different students reached


students received group counseling in topics such as mindful awareness and empowerment


students received mental health counseling


students attended various LGBTQ and educational events and clothing/food/toy drives


students completed the instructional portion of the Youth Intervention Program


students attended Soccer Camp

For 2016 – 2018


children & youth were enrolled


community service hours were served by campers


community service hours were served by campers


daily attendance rate; compared to 65% nationally for similar camps


of the campers were female; more than double the national average for co-ed soccer programs


high school students were provided a paid position as junior counselors


of attendees never played soccer before


of all campers said they want to continue to play soccer


of student parents have remained in school


of student parents graduated from high school


delayed having a second child until after graduation

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Young girls doing kicking drills

Young boys stretching and warming up

Two youth going for the ball

Working on their footwork and agility

A young boy practices scoring a goal

Passing the ball to a teammate

A young girl throws the ball in to start a play

Captain Mike Bobadilla with a camp attendee

Camp attendees and counselors

More camp attendees with their trainers and counselors

Focused on her work

Learning to make a penalty kick

All of the camp's attendees, counselors and trainers

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp

Camp attendees preparing for soccer skills camp


  • The Bobadilla Summer Soccer Academy keeps New Brunswick's youth engaged in constructive programs that reduces “summer slide”. This term describes the tendency for students, especially those from low-income families, to lose some of the academic achievement gains made during the previous school year.

  • The camp also serves to keep youth out of gangs and/or illicit activities.

PROGRAM Partners

New Brunswick Tomorrow along with The Bobadilla Summer Soccer Academy is coordinated by Captain Mike Bobadilla of the New Brunswick Police Department. New Brunswick Tomorrow is a proud supporter of this program along with our partners from the Rutgers Community Health Foundation and the N.J. Department of Children and Families.