New Brunswick Students Strive to Normalize Mental Health Discussions

Last year, New Brunswick Tomorrow’s began efforts to develop and implement a Stigma-Free campaign to address mental health among youth in New Brunswick.

Beginning in September 2020, with expert consultation from Johnson & Johnson, NBT worked with our School-Based Youth Services Program, the New Brunswick Public Schools and other community partners (Youth Advocate Programs, Wellspring Center for Prevention, and the Healthier Middlesex and Healthier New Brunswick networks) to develop and implement a Student Health Ambassador program at New Brunswick High School. The initiative utilizes the expertise of the School-Based Mental Health Clinicians to facilitate the program and partners with the Civic League of Greater New Brunswick to help recruit students to the program.

The goal is to work with students to find ways to promote good mental health and wellbeing. One of their first projects was to develop a social media presence for the stigma-free campaign, since renamed by the Student Health Ambassadors to “Dazzle of a New Day,” a play on the name of a group of zebras (dazzle), which is the New Brunswick High School mascot. This initiative has continued to move forward into the summer thanks to the diligence and dedication of the staff and students involved.

As the new school year brings a return to in-person learning, the campaign’s goal to educate youth on the importance of good mental health becomes even more necessary, as students prepare to adapt to the changes September is sure to bring. Dazzle of a New Day, both as a student group and digital platform, will provide consistent resources and reassurance that emphasize building resiliency with an added layer of relatability since much of the content is created by New Brunswick High School students.

Follow the Student Health Ambassadors behind Dazzle of a New Day on Live Well Vivir Bien New Brunswick’s Instagram page and lend your support in normalizing discussions surrounding mental health for youth. Stay tuned for the official launch of the “Dazzle of a New Day” Instagram page in the coming weeks!

July 29, 2021

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